Creating Virtual Rooms in Playchess


We have – instead of the old classical rooms – a new concept for virtual rooms. This concept is more user-friendly, as it allows access to the virtual rooms via the web browser and include the efficient use of our web tools, which is especially useful for all training purposes.

Please have a look: Virtual Room

Each club has the the opportunity to create an own virtual room quite easily and for free. Just use an URL like the following: Club

Replace “Your Club” in this URL with the name of your own club, copy this in your browser and your own virtual clubroom will be created. This service is completely free of charge.

In this virtual rooms you have the opportunity to play free games, run tournaments, hold online-lessons or do a simul. You are even able to do all this simultaneously without interfering each other.

The user do need a playchess account to use the virtual clubroom for more than a trial period. The club-manager or the trainer, who does training, running tournaments, is requiring either our client-software or a chess-program like Fritz 15. The client software may be downloaded for free under

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